Posts Tagged ‘2g’



March 16, 2009

Well, today was a really sweet day. First of all, the iPod Touch 2G JailBreak came out today. I haven’t used it yet, but I will soon after I finish this post. BTW, there is a great tutorial for it here. Secondly, I reached 100,000 total hits today. Woot! Finally, I broke my record for the most hits in one day (I actually did this yesterday too, but didn’t realize it until like 5 minutes ago). So my new record is 1734. That’s like twice what it was a month ago. 

So  had this really awesome feature planned involving my fav XKCD comics and some commentary. I am a commentary freak. Seriously…I have a running commentary 90% of the time. And for those of you who have to live with it, I apologize. Gomennasai.

Unfortunately, the pics didn’t upload…and I didn’t realize this until I had started the upload for all like 25 of them without writing down which ones I was gonna do. Sad, I know. But you can still get some random letter goodness (seriously, what is up with that name?) at

Anyways, instead I’m gonna do a little survey. Ok, two surveys.


Oh yah, and I have a wallpaper to post. This is one I wasn’t gonna post, but I’ve gotten really into Bleach- which by the way is awesome- and thought I would.
