Archive for the ‘Wallpapers’ Category


Movin’ On

October 15, 2010

I’ve rather abandoned this blog as you may have noticed…I was reinvigorated for a while by the new task of making playlists, but after a while’s restrictive started chafing again. So, I’ve started another blog at – it’s mostly musical, with a few tangents that I’m apt to post about then and again. As of now, there’re only a few posts, but I’m restricting what I post less in this blog, so more are coming fast and furious. Currently, I have NO visitors (which is rather discouraging, but I’ll stay the course), so if you could check it out, that would be fantastic. Thanks!


Once More

July 24, 2010

Today’s playlist is an apology of sorts – I won’t say to whom, they know who they are. Sorry. Again.

My playlist project is progressing, as is the diagram. I’m also creating guitar picks from beach rocks, using sandpaper and polishing implements. I plan to carve some designs in once I buy a pick, too.

Also, here’s yesterday’s playlist.

Here’s today’s playlist

  1. Broken Man by Boys Like Girls
  2. Broken Hearts Parade by Good Charlotte
  3. Long Hallway With a Broken Light by Thriving Ivory
  4. Broken by Lifehouse
  5. Broken by Bad Religion
  6. Broken Toy by Keane
  7. We Are Broken by Paramore
  8. Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day
  9. Curse of the Broken Hearted by Papercut Massacre
  10. Broken English by Rise Against

More Delays

July 16, 2010

Have you ever been waiting for a plane in the airport for several hours, eagerly awaiting a call from the loudspeaker that says “Flight 1901 will be departing shortly”? You hear “Flight 1901…” and the excitement builds, your fist punches the air, grabs a fistful of oxygen confetti and sprinkles the room with it, you — what was that? WILL BE DELAYED UNTIL TOMORROW?

Yeah, that’s what’s goin’ on here. While I won’t be as presumptuous as to compare your disappointment at my lack of posts to, say, waiting for a delayed flight – oh, nevermind, I already have. Well, anyways, I’m staying with grandparents while my mother is in Utah, and I have no access to my music selection, so I’m afraid you’ll have to smell that airport disinfectant just a few more days.


My next playlist will be based on the song “Girls and Fast Cars” by Fresh Espresso. Go check it out on youtube and grab a fistful of oxygen confetti.

Over and out.


June 11, 2010

Thanks to finals, there will be no playlist today. Go listen to some Eminem.


My Apologies

June 3, 2010

Sorry, y’all for not posting as promised. I will, I’m just having a breakdown and finals right now so it’s not the best time.

Oh and hey, I just used my blog for the traditional use!