Posts Tagged ‘metallic’



April 2, 2009

Today’s Wallpaper:

abstract-green-16502Well, I’m home sick today with a killer cold (sore throat, fever, runny nose, headache, dizzyness) so I should hypothetically be able to get a ton of homework done. Right? No, actually my work ethic sucks if I’m not interested in the work, so I really haven’t made any progress over the last couple hours. Fortunately though, I have made sme progress in the program department. iTunes and VLC 0.9.9 both came out today, along with some other nice apps (a new NOD32 and Alcohol 120%). I of course downloaded them immediately. Seems like the Store is faster for the new iTunes…or maybe my ‘net is just being cooperative for once.


Scarlet Blades

February 10, 2009

Today’s Wallpaper:


Sorry I haven’t been posting very often…been workin’ on other things….like my flash game, making some of my own backgrounds, and homework (gasp)


Down Under

September 3, 2008

Today’s Wallpaper:

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I saw this Music Video yesterday and just had to post it. The Song is What About Now by Daughtry


Balls of Fate

August 1, 2008

Today’s Wallpaper:

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Apps of the Week

  1. CCleaner 2.10.618
  2. iTunes
  3. Skype Beta
  4. Real Alternative 1.82
  5. Recuva 1.17.339
  6. Launchy 2.1.1

I am introducing a new feature on my Tumblr blog. Every Tuesday and Saturday (Starting tommorow), I will name a song of the day, which can be listened to (along with many others) on my SeeqPod insert on Tumblr. Also, I will try and add new songs to the playlist every Thursday, but this is less definite.


‘Shrooms of Glory

July 6, 2008

Today’s Wallpaper:

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