Posts Tagged ‘water’



July 26, 2009

Today’s Wallpaper:

Man-Made-City-67601I’ve decided to reinstate apps of the week- with a few changes. Firstly, I will do it on Sundays and Wednesdays. Secondly, instead of listing 10+ apps with a brief description of each, I will do a longer review of 1 or 2 apps. And finally, with the exception of major upgrades (such as FireFox’s recent 3.0-3.5), I will review each app only once.

Today’s app is TeraCopy,  an alternative to Windows file copying. I am yet to compare its performance to XP’s, but I have found that it easily outstrips Windows 7’s when copying large files or large numbers of files. When copying a few small files, however, it lags behind somewhat. It easily makes up for this though with much more open canceling, overwriting, and renaming during file transfers. TeraCopy allows you to cancel files that can’t or shouldn’t be copied in the middle of a transfer without canceling the whole thing- fixing the biggest problem with Windows File Transfer Utility. Teracopy also has a very small footprint, even during large transfers. I would recommend it to anyone working with a Windows machine.

Get TeraCopy here.


Emerald Drops

March 25, 2009

Today’s Wallpaper:

earth-close-up-40518I’m sure you’ve all seen wallpapers very similar to this, but I felt that this one was especially nice.

Here’s a very strange video- an interview with an objectophiliac, or someone who falls LITERALLY in love with objects.

New version of Java today, new Beta of uTorrent (which I won’t be getting, based on the premise 1.6.1 is fastest- thus far it’s held true), and a new Chrome yesterday. Lotsa fun all around!


Sentient Landmass

March 9, 2009

Today’s Wallpaper:



Not one of my better titles, I know.

Sorry I didn’t post this weekend…I loaned my charger to a friend and neglected to get it back before school ended. So I couldn’t do my homework. Which was bad. Or check my email. Which pretty much made me even insaner than I already was. But it’s not your fault, DJ.

On a happier note, my blog has fallen below 5,000,000 on Alexa. Those of you who look at the “Ranks” sidebar already know this, but my blog is now ranked 4,917,589. Yay! Only 3,917,589 to go!


Wild Water

March 2, 2009

Today’s Wallpaper:


I would just like to link to a really ridiculously stupid video today. The video is an interview with Ray Comfort, author of “You can lead an Atheist to Evidence, but you can’t make him think.”  This guy is just insane.

For more great atheist content, visit Unreasonable Faith (my fav atheist blog)



February 25, 2009

Today’s Wallpaper:


I’m actually not going to post any Kalyway screenies unless requested…and I’m 99% sure they won’t be. They just look like normal Leopard.

Something I discovered last night was that the DNS servers for my were reset…they are updating now…as of right now, still the default, but it should be back up within a day.Sorry for those of you who tried to visit it.

Well, I have FINALLY gotten Maya Unlimited 2009. I’m a beginner with it, but I think I’m learning pretty fast, and I hope to have some of my OWN 3-d wallpapers up soon.